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Be an Involved Parent

Do you want to be involved with your child at school but don't think you have the time? Here are some timely tips to help you get involve with only 30 minutes.

Got 5 minutes?

* Introduce yourself. Indicate the best way to give you information (phone, e-mail, notes, etc.)

* Write a note or e-mail to the teacher just to check in and see how your child is doing.

* Call the teacher. Remember to let teachers know about out of school factors that may be    affecting your child.

Got 10 minutes?    

* Share your child's strengths, talents and interests with your child's teacher.

* Read classroom and/or school newsletters.

* Check out your child's school web site.

Got 15 minutes?

* Share your family's culture, values and parenting practices with your child's teacher.

* Talk with your child's teacher about how to support learning at home.

* Attend parent-teacher conferences with specific questions you want to ask.


Alarm clock that reads 3 o'clock.

30 minutes & more...


* Read and know your school's handbook.

* Work with teachers and school administrators to develop a parent communication policy.

* Attend PTA, school board, and/or town meetings and speak to issues of concern.

Your Child's Top Five Things Every Parent Can Do To Connect With Your Child's Teacher...

1. Make the Time!

At the start of the school year, make arrangements to meet with your child's teacher. This is an ideal time to share information about your child with the teacher so that he/she can best connect with your child

2. Banish the Blame

Take a "no fault" approach when dealing with difficult issues relating to your child. Blaming teachers or classmates only strains relationships. Join forces with teacher to reach a common goal: helping your child overcome difficulties and find success.

3. Drop a Line!

Any time is a good time to drop your child's teacher a note. Do you have a question about homework? Is your child upset about something that happened at home? Were you really impressed by a project that your child has been working on? Take a moment and write a note to the teacher.

4. It's Your Call!

Call your child's teacher for a particular reason - or for no reason at all. Teachers don't always have the time to call you, buy they do appreciate hearing from you. Ask teachers before hand for good times to call.

5. Be Prepared


